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Twitter @ Kaleidoscope

Twitter @ Kaleidoscope

Follow what is happening with Kaleidoscope:


What is Twitter?
Twitter is a way of sharing and connecting to information as it happens. It’s a form of online communication where you can connect with people and follow topics of interest via short, 140 character messages (“tweets”).

Why Would I Want to Use Twitter?
Twitter is not just for sharing social updates about “what you’re up to”. It can be an informative, fun way to tap into topic channels (labeled with # tags) of information shared by others around the world who share your interests. It’s especially good for tapping into information or sharing thoughts related to events that are happening at the moment.

A Twitter Scenario
Jan is interested in photography. She has a Twitter list which lists other photography friends on Twitter. She can send and receive tips, thoughts, ideas at any time to this Twitter group. Through Twitter, she has connected to other photography buffs around the world and, as a result, has been exposed to great ideas and resources – delivered as small snippets of information. She can check into Twitter on her computer or on her cell phone.

Give Twitter a Try at Kaleidoscope!

twitter Try out this social networking tool as a means for sharing ideas and connecting with other colleagues.


Getting Started With Twitter

There are 4 steps:

  1. Set up a free Twitter account
  2. Create a basic profile (photo is optional)
  3. Find some friends or a topic to “follow”
  4. Select a way to post and receive messages
  5. Start posting and “following”

"Getting Started With Twitter" Tutorial