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Accessible Services for Colleges, Customer Service Standards


Practice: Serving People with Disabilities

Practice 3:

Sheri works in the college registrar's office. One busy day at the beginning of term a person who uses a wheelchair joins the long line-up at the service counter.

Wanting to be of assistance, Sheri introduces herself to the person and, taking him out of line, pushes his wheelchair up to the counter.

The man in the wheelchair is visibly upset with Sheri. Can you tell what might have upset him?

Click here for more information.

Is there another reason the person with a physical disability might feel uncomfortable with the way Sheri treated him?

Think about her approach to the person and her handling of his wheelchair.

Click here for more information.

Let's see how Sheri could provide better service to a person who uses a wheelchair.

  • Introduce herself.
    • "Hello, my name is Sheri and I work in the registrar's office."
  • Ask if he needs assistance.
    • "How can I help you?"
  • If he wants assistance, speak clearly.
    • "If you are ready to start moving, we will go down the hall to the first room on the right.

By following these simple steps, Sheri can give respectful service to the client who uses a wheelchair.

When the client is finished in the office, he asks Sheri how to get to the college bookstore. The store is two floors above the office which means to get there the man will have to use an elevator. As Sheri gives him directions to the store, she recalls that the elevator closest to the office was not in service earlier in the day.

What should Sheri do in this situation?

Click on one option below.

  1. Direct him to the closest elevator in the hope it is working again.
  2. Direct him to another elevator which she knows is working properly.
  3. Escort him to whichever elevator is working properly.

Click on the correct response. After receiving the feedback, click on the other option for more information.

As the person starts to leave, Sheri remembers that the automatic openers on the office doors are broken.

She first asks the person if he would like assistance with the doors and, after he accepts her offer of help, she holds the door open for him and says goodbye.

Wheelchair in college office setting.

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