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Accessible Services for Colleges, Customer Service Standards


Practice: Serving People with Disabilities

Practice 2
Peter works in the college cafeteria. One day after the lunch rush, he is straightening chairs and tables when he sees a woman entering the cafeteria with her guide dog.

Peter approaches the woman and explains that health regulations restrict animals from entering the cafeteria. He suggests that, if she leaves the dog in the hallway, he would be happy to help her get lunch.

Has Peter taken the right steps here? If you were in Peter's situation, what would you do?

Click on one option below.

  1. Yes, Peter has handled the situation properly.
  2. No, Peter has not handled the situation properly.

After introducing himself and offering assistance, Peter tries to make the woman feel more welcome by greeting her guide dog and patting it on the head as they enter the cafeteria.

Can you tell where Peter made a mistake in this situation?

Click here to view the answer.

If the woman accepts Peter`s offer of assistance, what should he do next?

Click on the correct response. After receiving the feedback, click on the other option for more information.

  1. Take the woman's arm and guide her to a table. Once she is seated, offer to get her food.
  2. Offer his arm for the woman to hold. Explain where they are going while he walks her and the guide dog to the food service counter.
Vision impaired person with guide dog at cafeteria.

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