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picture of Jaynie BrownLibrary Databases and E-Resources - Streaming Video!

by Brenda Mahoney, Library Coordinator, The Learning Resource Centre

Available for classroom use and remote access (where possible)

Streaming video provides us with another way to provide color and movement to class instruction without the fuss of video bookings.

The current videos include cover topics such as customer relations topics, basic business skills and the history of computers. The following titles from Films on Demand are available on campus via

How to Access the Collection

Log in with your network account.

Videos Coming Soon to Proquest Nursing Database

CultureVisionTM is a video database for healthcare professionals working to overcome the uncertainty associated with cultural differences.
Anticipated availability: end of November, early December

Medcom Video Training Clips includes clips on assessment, procedure, care management, anatomy, prevention, and other nursing topics. Videos offered in short "object" form for information that can be quickly and easily followed. The site's use of metadata allows video objects that are most relevant to you can be found.
Anticipated availability: early in the new year (2009).

Access LRC Databases

A wide range of newspapers, journals, e-books and other kinds of content is available through The Learning Resource Centre's database collection.

Take a few minutes to browse: LRC Databases