Teaching Notes

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Professor of the 21st Century

A Framework for Student Success and Continuous Professional Development

The Professor of the 21st Century is a document that communicates the College's expectations of faculty in their role as teachers and provides a framework for continuous professional development.

The Professor of the 21st Century outcomes and competencies were developed through detailed discussions among academic leaders from across the College with the final document receiving approval by the College Academic Council, the Academic Services Management Committee and the President's Executive Committee.

View Professor of 21st Centure document (pdf)

Professor's Resource Site

The Professor's Resource Site provides a wealth of information to guide your personal development. It is framed by the seven competencies that comprise the Professor of the 21st Century.

For this Fall edition of the newsletter, Teaching Notes focuses on competency four which deals with assessment of student learning.

Assessing Student Learning

4) The Professor of the 21st Century models evaluates learning using a variety of valid and reliable tools and techniques.

The professor

:: Acquires and maintains a repertoire of evaluation tools and techniques

:: Assesses the strengths/weaknesses of a variety of evaluation of tools and techniques

:: Selects and uses appropriate evaluation tools and techniques

:: Establishes and communicates evaluation criteria

:: Ensures that learners receive specific, constructive feedback regarding their progress

Featured Resource

Arranged in a convenient matrix, A Potpourri of Assessment Options provides an excellent summary of assessment activities and the learning context within which they work.