Campus Comedy Article

Written by Beth Cameron

Workplace Chuckles

picture of phoneI am sure we have all enjoyed a good laugh at some time in our careers at the college. 

Working on the phones in the Registrar’s office gave me some good chuckles. 

Here are a few.


Personal Information

I had a male caller who desperately wanted me to divulge his grades over the phone.  The ensuing conversation went like this:

Me:  I’m sorry sir I am not permitted to give that information over the phone.

Male caller:  Why?

Me: It’s due to Freedom of Information laws sir.  I have no means to ascertain you are who you say you are.

Male caller:  What do you want?  Personal information?  I’ll give you personal information:

I never smoked dope, I like Elvis Presley, and I was a virgin when I got married!

Learning About Computers

Senior Caller:    I was wondering if you would have someone there who could teach me how to use my computer.

Me:   Yes, we do have courses, I’ll put you through to Continuing Education.

Senior Caller:    Oh, I don’t want to take a course

Concerned Parent

A colleague got a call around the beginning of September from a concerned parent who wanted to know if there was someone at the college who would make sure her son didn’t party too much!

Caller:     I wanted o get into Travel & Tourism.  Is there still room?

Me:          Yes it is still open.  There is still availability.

Caller:     Do you have Tourism without the Travel?


Share Your Anecdotes

Have a short anecdote that you would like to share in a future issues of Live, Laugh, Learn?  Email them to at

All submissions will receive a token our appreciation for your efforts.  Each issue, we will print a selection of amusing tales.