Algonquin Travels Article

Algonquin Runners Go the Distance

Written by Kim Bedor, Student Support Services

picture of Vanessa and KimVanessa Marshall and Kim Bedor both have a love-hate relationship with running.  They have both completed numerous running events, but together they have participated in the Army Run ½ Marathon, September 2009, and the Niagara Falls International Marathon, October 2009. 

For the up-coming 2010 season, Kim is registered in the Ottawa Race Weekend 5km event and both Vanessa and Kim are registered for the Ottawa Race Weekend full marathon.  They also plan to participate in the Army Run ½ Marathon in September, 2010. 

The event they plan to train hard for and are both looking forward to with much anticipation is the Classic Athens Marathon in Greece.  This event will take place on October 31, 2010 and will follow the original marathon route travelled 2500 years ago.  The marathon will begin in Marathon, Greece ending after 42.2km in the original Olympic coliseum in Athens, Greece.  As the 2500th anniversary of the running of the world's first marathon, this race should be quite a celebratory event for everyone involved!

Did you know . . .

The marathon commemorates the run of a Greek soldier Pheidippides from a battle field in the town of Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C.

Find out more about the anniversary marathon race in Greece.