In Praise of Our "Hidden Gems"


picture of man with t-shirt saying "Unsung hero"Our Algonquin colleagues do wonderful, amazing things everyday that make our work lives easier and more enjoyable. Some receive formal recognition through initiatives such as the annual Staff Awards program. However, perhaps there are times throughout the year when you wish to express gratitude to a fellow employee. Could be someone in your own department, from another department or another campus.

This feature is a place to shine a light on the "behind the scenes" unsung heroes whose special actions are perhaps not as visible.


picture of Fred Mazancheryltracy

Samantha Arnott, Cheryl Giff, and Tracy Lancaster. These three outstanding admins contribute daily to the positive work environment here at the Perth Campus. Their reassuring smiles, great sense of humour, and helpful attitudes brighten each work day and for that, I am thankful!


picture of Fred MazanKelly Prudhomme, a shout out to Kelly for always answering my questions, even the dumb ones. Kelly helps keep my day running smoothly - and I'm sure many other colleagues days too. She's on the ball and gets things done as soon as you ask. Thanks to Kelly!




picture of Fred MazanSheree Nikkanen. Sheree, a co-worker of mine, is a part-time graphic designer in the Print Shop here at Algonquin. She is a dedicated worker who always accepts new projects with a smile on her face and has initiative to make a good idea even better. She was a main contributor to our recent Open House by suggesting and preparing gift bags for our visitors, a slide show display of our design work and an entrance of displays to welcome staff to our department. Sheree is also responsible for the wonderful new logo design for the Print Shop (and Design ink). Thank you Sheree for your spirit and wonderful work ethic.




picture of Anna CobusAnna Cobus I would like to nominate Anna Cobus, Algonquin’s Board Secretary for a well deserved kudos!  Anna is a professional individual who works hard to keep ahead of the deadlines in accomplishing the many and often daunting tasks of supporting Algonquin's Board.   It is evident that Anna takes pride in her work and she is always gracious and ready to lend a helping hand.  We appreciate all that you do Anna in support of Algonquin's Board, its members and its operations!




Beverley Haslegrave, I am nominating Beverley Haslegrave for a Kudos Award. She has always made Algonquin College a wonderful place for staff and students. Bev and her team have made the grounds look spectacular! The May tulips arrive, and the landscaping she does in the summer makes Algonquin a wonderful place for everyone to enjoy!!


picture of tonyTony Verge I would like to nominate Tony Verge for an award. Tony has made a huge impact on my life. He is a great boss to work for He helped me in my most difficult time and continues to be a mentor to me.





Rina Mary Hart A valuable member of the Academic Upgrading Program is Rina Mary Hart. She is always cheerful, ready to help at a moment's notice, and she is always ready to help at a moment's notice, and she always has a kind word when something goes wrong. Mary is a very positive person and learners know she will be supportive and encouraging. It is a pleasure to work with Mary and to learn from her many years of experience in the classroom. Bravo Mary!


Celine Perrier Celine, you are a dedicated, hard-working, compassionate teacher and colleague. You make every day fun!


Mark Arnoldi in the HRAC department. Mike constantly puts in the extra effort that is required to make sure all equipment his students use in the lab is left in tip top shape for the next group. He makes the job of teaching easier for his fellow professors and makes the learning experience that much better for all of the students in the program. Thanks for the extra effort.


Lana is, and has been, a tireless worker in our program for many years. Her commitment to her students is exemplary. She is an example to all of her colleagues. She volunteers outside of her paid hours and has always had time for us when needed. We love her!


picture of DSW teamLaura Rogall-Black, Carl Toole, Kristen Hayes, Rod Walsh, and Cecelia Taylor: DSW Faculty Team I want to nominate a faculty team. As a colleague I am constantly amazed at their committment to students, their courses, the program, and I am fortunate to be part of a team that is so smart, funny, dedicated, supportive and inspirational. It is a wonderful working environment and kudos to the collective creative force that is the DSW faculty.


Nominated by Jennifer Currie-Roy


helenaHelena Ngou I would like to nominate Helena from the Food and Beverage Operations. She is always accomodating towards the staff. She takes the time to meet the staff. She takes the time to meet students, hires international students and is the main person who solves the little conflicts in the eatery area. She is always professional and a pleasure to deal with.




picture of zinlingJinling Zhu I am nominating Jinling Zhu in ITS because she has shown remarkable flexibility in dealing with client requests, she is a consummate professional, and a real pleasure to work with. She has developed and maintained many online systems for in house clients, including Food and Beverage Online Ordering System, Board of Governors Voting System, the Value Stream CSD Transcription Request Tracking system, the Awards Tracking System, the Registrar Convocation system, Test Centre Booking System and the Counselling Services Student Tracking system.



Tony Holyer I am nominating Tony Holyer in ITS for his assistance with the launch of many of our online systems. He ensured that the systems were moved from development to staging to production, and always on time, even though sometimes we were not able to give him a lot of notice. Tony is the Senior Systems Administrator for Windows, and despite always being busy, he never turns us away, and for that I and my clients are very thankful.


picture of maxMax Figueredo I would like to nominate Max Figuerdo in ITS for his insight into system development, his ever cheerful disposition, and his enthusiasm in helping us out with system issues. It makes such a difference when a team member cooperates and collaborates with the rest of the Applications group.




picture of Jocelyn GirouxJocelyn Giroux I would like to nominate Jocelyn Giroux in ITS for her professionalism, for always being prepared to assist the staff in his department, for her infectious laughter! She's a very positive influence which makes our work day just a little easier. Jocelyn is the ITS Budget Officer.




pic of danBeaulieuDan Beaulieu I would like to nominate Dan Beaulieu in ITS for his encouragement, for his continued support of the department in so many ways, and for his insight. His experience has been invaluable to my team over the past years, and for that I am very appreciative.

Dan is the Chief Technologist and works in TSS with the PC Technicians who can be seen busily maintaining the clients hardware all around the college, everyday. A service we would be hard pressed to replace.



Nancy Kohn I would like to nominate Nancy Kohn from the Registrar's Office. Nancy is one of those people that quietly goes about her daily work, knows and forsees what needs to be done, and not only does it but does it well. She is dependable, conscientious, supportive, and works with no hidden agendas. She is consistently in a good mood and never drags you down with bad moods or temper. She is the best co-worker that I have ever had the pleasure to work with! I can't think of anyone who better fits the description of 'unsung hero'!


Pat Murphy I would like to nominate Pat Murphy in ITS for his fast response to my clients desktop issues. He always makes time for us and has a wealth of knowledge in that area which helps him to resolve those issues in a timely manner. We have come to depend on him, and appreciate his enthusiasm for a great service to our clients.

Pat is a technologist and works in TSS.


Jennifer King Jennifer King is the co-ordinator of the Veterinary Technician program. We are one of the newer programs and Jennifer has been involved from the very beginning. She carries a lot on her shoulders including teaching, counselling the students and keeping our faculty happy. She is always available to staff and students and takes it all in stride with her friendly yet professional manner.We feel lucky to have Jennifer at the helm!!


picture of ValVal Sayah I would like to nominate one of your own from the Live Laugh Learn editorial board. Val Sayah has shown herself to be an outstanding representative of the Algonquin community. I count myself lucky to have worked alongside of her and I know that I speak for many (you just have to walk through the halls with her and you'll know what I'm talking about!) when I say, she is not only a great co-worker but also a very special person.

Val never hesitates to drop what she is doing to give all of us "newbies" the help that we need. She has gone out of her way to "show us the ropes" and to make us feel welcome here.

Thank you Val for truly living out the Algonquin motto . . . Here 2 Help.


Irene Teliszewsky I would like to nominate Irene Teliszewsky. Irene always has a smile on her face. Is is very fun person to work with. Keep up the smile, you are a joy to be around!


picture of Cathy LeeCatherine Lee For Kudos Corner, I would like to put forward the name of Catherine Lee in the Bookstore. I hope that someone on the Editorial team is eligible, and while I am sure she is doing a great job with the Live Laugh Learn newsletter, I would want to acknowledge her for the work she does in her position in the Bookstore. I am fairly new to the book ordering system and Catherine has been nothing but helpful. Besides being helpful, she has been patient and supportive during my learning curve. It is so refreshing to work with someone who is so encouraging when you are new to a system. She also has a great sense of humour which is just an added bonus!



Andrew Edmondson I would like to nominate Andrew Edmondson for acknowledgement at "Kudos Corner". He is the Marketing Officer at the Perth Campus, as well as a part-time professor in the Construction Carpentry, Advanced Housing program. I work with Andrew in Advanced Housing and we are currently working on a series of online tutorial videos called "Can You Show Me That Again?".

Andrew is a graduate of the Heritage Carpentry program and has come back to fill in several roles here at our small campus. His incredible energy and enthusiasm is infectious, and he is always walking around with a smile on his face. In the past 3 years, Andrew has been instrumental in helping with our new campus planning, teaching and mentoring many students, redesigning our campus website, and marketing our campus to potential students for all of our programs. With his input, we've seen a huge jump in enrollment, not to mention a more integrated involvement from Faculty and Staff.

I think Andrew is worth 100 times what he's being paid and I think that he makes our college look so much better just by being here.

Kudos to Andrew Edmondson!


Connie Kerkhof I would like to send Kudos to Connie Kerkhof in Finance.  She is always willing to help.  She never complains and always bends over backwards to help, even when you bring her something that is a rush (which I’ve done on a number of occasions).


Show Your Appreciation: Nominate a Colleague for "Kudos"

Do you know any modest, everyday heroes in our college community? 

Submit a nomination online or through internal mail.