Algonquin Travels Article

picture of brain exercisingExercise Your Brain!

Just like your body, your mind needs a regular workout as well. Think about why we do weights at the gym; we work muscles that are not active during our day-to-day lives. Similarly, challenging your brain with mental activities keeps you sharp.


Try these 9X9 sudoku puzzles. Select your level of difficulty.

Brain Teasers

  1. A 30 year old man married a 25 year old woman. She died at age 50 and her husband was so devastated that he cried for years. Ten years after he stopped crying, he died. If he had lived to be 80, how many years was he a widower?
  2. Sally promised Kate today that she will tell Kate a big secret on the day before four days from the day after tomorrow. If today is Saturday the 13th, on what day and date will Sally tell Kate her big secret?
  3. A blind beggar had a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? "Brother" is not the answer.

Get answers below.

Optical Illusions in Art

D.L."Rusty" Rust is an artist known for his wildlife paintings - especially ones where he plays with camouflage and hidden objects.

Hidden Tiger Painting
Look for the hidden tiger - not the one in the picture.

Dreams Painting
If you look at the barn in a different way, you may see something entirely different.

Answers to Brain Teasers

  1. 25
  2. Thursday the 18
  3. The blind beggar was the sister of her brother, who died.