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Accessible Services for Colleges, Customer Service Standards

Serving People with Disabilities

General Service Tips

Some of the best tips for providing better customer service to people with disabilities are the simplest. Here are a few examples:

  • Ask "May I help you?": If you're not sure how to help, a person with a disability, ask "May I help you?" People with disabilities know if they need help and will tell you how you can provide it.
  • Speak directly: Speak directly to the person. If you can't understand what the person is saying, politely ask them to repeat it.
  • Understand their needs: Try to understand the person's needs. Focus on meeting those needs as you would with anyone.
  • Don't assume: Remember, some disabilities are non-visible and not everybody with the same disability experiences the same things.
  • Above all...be patient.
Module host Claire.

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